SfTI story video transcript
Visual: The phrase “high-tech science” shrinks down to fit onto the screen. The words disappear which leave just two blue circles from the dots of the i’s and a line connects the two horizontally. An orange circle flashes like a pulse and expands from the centre of the screen and fades. The line splits into two and more lines join in to make a square. The square rotates on the screen and expands to form a cube. The cube further expands to create a matrix of interconnected cubes which form a complex pattern that appears three-dimensional on the screen. The pattern quickly fades out and seemingly random dots appear but quickly form an interconnected pattern building the shape of NZ. The map slowly moves into the background and fades out. The phrase “Science for Technological Innovation” shrinks down to fit onto the screen.
Audio: Nau mai, haere mai, High-tech science has massive potential to improve our lives. New breakthroughs and discoveries are happening all the time, changing the way we live and fast. So how can we make the most of the possibilities high-tech science could bring to Aotearoa New Zealand? Well, that's where we come in.
Visual: The first letters of each word in the phrase come together while the remaining letters disappear which leave behind just sfTI in the middle of the screen with a circle around it. The circle shades in with a dark blue and the letters lighten to be seen. This new circle becomes smaller and shifts out and up while ten other circles of various colours appear and move in an anti-clockwise motion. These other dots quickly disappear one by one which leave only the blue sfTI one behind. The circle shoots back to the centre of the screen, the letters disappear and the circle grows. Blue and gold lines from each side of the screen reach out to the circle, which appear in groups of three to four and resemble the lines of a circuit board. The blue circle lightens to turquoise and a pulse radiates out from it. The structure disappears and we return to the four blue dots with lines that form a square. A sequence of images follows all which use the same blue dots connected by blue lines as before with the map of NZ. The first is a steady image of a square with curved lines that come from the edges to represent a sensor radiating a transmission. The next is a moving image of a crane that slightly shifts up and down to represent robotics. This is followed by a moving image of a conveyor belt with three squares which are pulled along from left to right, to represent automation. The next is a square within a square with three lines that reach out from each side of the outer square to represent data science. This changes to three flat squares on top of each other, like sheets of paper lying on a table, then spread apart vertically to represent materials manufacturing and design.
Audio: We're the Science for Technological Innovation Challenge or SfTI, one of the 11 National Science Challenges set up by the government to tackle issues New Zealanders care most about. Our job is to grow the New Zealand economy by investing in hundreds of our country's best high-tech researchers. They do cutting edge work in the fields of sensors, robotics, automation, data science, materials manufacturing, and design.
Visual: There are two large circles shaded in with turquoise spaced out towards the centre of the screen. They spread apart to opposite sides of the screen and then slide to the right so that the leftmost one is in the centre and the rightmost goes off-screen. Within the circle, a white chalk-like stencil drawing of a lightbulb appears. The circle slides back to the left and off-screen, while the blank turquoise circle from the right slides back onto the screen.
Audio: We support two types of projects. Ones that are led by individual researchers who have an idea to explore and ones that are driven by teams we assemble including scientists, industry, and Maori who collectively take on a big problem.
Visual: As soon as the circle reaches the centre, the outline of a second circle surrounds it. Smaller shaded dots appear from the edges of the screen and sit on top of the outer circle. Once there, they orbit the inner circle. Inside the inner circle a chalk-like stencil drawing of a question mark appears. The drawing then vanishes as if erased. The outer circle shrinks down to disappear into the inner circle. New blue circles then pulse outward from the inner circle and disappear. Four circles with orbiting dots now shrink down from off-screen to surround the centre.
The circles expand and shoot outwards and a grid of dots and lines that form a geometric pattern appears. Shadowing appears within the structure and give it a more three-dimensional appearance as if it was woven together like flax. More of this pattern is revealed as the view zooms out. We see dots and lines positioned around the pattern silhouetted by a white background. As the view continues to zoom out it is revealed to be the map NZ from before, but now filled with the pattern.
Audio: We offer all our researchers professional development and help connect them with the right people to take their work to the next level. We also support our scientists to weave Māori knowledge together with Western science to find new ways of innovating. By investing in our high-tech scientists, we can assure their work is best placed to change the future of New Zealand for the better.
Visual: The scene cuts to three logos. On top is one for Science for Technological Innovation National Science Challenge, and under it, side by side from left to right is one for the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment and then one for Callaghan Innovation with the subheading New Zealand’s Innovation Agency. The logos disappear revealing a web address in a turquoise font that reads stfichallenge.govt.nz. Below, the phrase “He hiringa hangarau, he oranga tangata” is written in bold font, with “Innovation in technology for the benefit of people” written below that in plain font.