Our researchTā mātou rangahau
Our mission is to enhance New Zealand’s capacity to use physical sciences and engineering for economic growth. We have invested in 84 Seed projects around $200k for up to two years, and 10 Spearhead projects up to $1m per annum.

Research themes
Our research is based on four areas of capability, or Themes. These are broad, multidisciplinary research topics that potentially span many different applications and industry sectors.

We support and invest in large multi-disciplinary Spearhead projects and small high-risk Seed projects. All our research projects have to be ‘stretchy’ (complex and challenging) and ‘sticky’ - relevant and specific to New Zealand.

Our researchers
SfTI brings together a community of around 400 New Zealand physical sciences and engineering researchers, from across 40 organisations.

Academic publications
Publications from SfTI Researchers