
Spearhead projectsKaupapa arataki
Spearheads projects are large multidisciplinary research projects spanning three-plus years, funded up to $1million per annum.

Seed projectsKaupapa kākano
Seed projects are small, risky and complex reseacher-led projects, funded 200k for up to two years.

Ending with Impact Projects (EWIPs)
During 2022 our Spearhead projects were invited to propose research projects that have germinated out of their work of the past few years. The successful projects demonstrated the greatest potential impact as well as strong collaboration with industry and sector partners, and where possible further SfTI’s commitment to vision mātauranga.

Early Career Researcher 'Bolt-on' Projects
SfTI has funded early career researchers already involved in our existing projects to take their work to the next level with up to $200,000 as part of our ‘Early Career Researcher Bolt-on’ funding initiative.