Research themesAriā rangahau
The SfTI Challenge is based upon four areas of capability, or Themes. These are broad, multidisciplinary research topics that potentially span many different applications and industry sectors.

Vision Mātauranga
Theme leader – Pauline Harris (Rongomaiwahine, Ngāti Rakaipaka and Ngāti Kahungunu ki Wairoa)
Theme leader – Katharina Ruckstuhl (Ngāi Tahu, Rangitāne)
Kāhui Kaihautū – Nancy Garrity (Ngāti Makirangi, Ngāti Pāoa, Ngāti Hine)
Vision mātauranga guides researchers on how to integrate western science with mātauranga Māori (knowledge) to explore new opportunities to build a prosperous, technology-driven economy.

Materials, manufacturing technology and designNgā matū, te whakanao me te hoahoa
New Zealand has a small, vibrant hi-tech processing and manufacturing sector. This theme aims to advance the sector's reputation as a leader in smart, green, manufacturing processes and materials.

Sensors, robotics and automationNgā Pūoko, karetao me te aunoatanga
Theme leader – Bruce MacDonald
This Theme aims to develop robotics and automation for use in a range of products and applications. The focus is on cost reduction, improved efficiencies and safety.

Data science and digital technologiesHangarau Mōhiohio, te tātari raraunga me te whakatauira
Theme leader – Stephen MacDonell
This theme aims to develop innovative algorithms, models, methods, tools and practices that could underpin new or enhanced business processes, hardware components, systems and software applications.